Book a naturist massage
You have the possibility to book a massage directly online (contact form, by phone by calling me or by sending me an sms or by email). However, I kindly ask you to book a massage the day before for the next day or in the morning for the same evening. It is best to contact me at least 24 hours before the desired appointment date.
I will get back to you quickly to arrange an appointment at your convenience.

Contact Jade !
Paris – Île de France
07 82 87 92 05
Charter and rules of propriety:
- The practice of massage is a service of well-being and awakening of the senses.
- My services offered, the duration and the prices are clearly defined in the different pages of this site and cannot be modified.
- In order for the massage to take place in optimal conditions, impeccable personal hygiene is expected.
- Giving extreme importance to the rules of confidentiality and discretion, I will expect the same from you.
- The services offered are within the framework of relaxation and well-being, no sexual service will be practiced.
- I reserve the right to refuse any disrespectful person, not corresponding to the ethics of this charter.
- Please inquire about the different massage practices offered to ensure that they are suitable for you.
- You can contact me in the morning for an appointment the same evening.
- Naturist massage is based on the principle of relaxation, and the reciprocal nudity of the massaged and the masseuse. However, this nudity is only one component of naturism. The philosophy of naturism is characterized by its social dimension, respect for others, tolerance and open-mindedness.
- The objective of a naturist massage is to give, to receive and involves an exchange of caresses in mutual respect. This sensuality stimulates sexual energy and the transmission of energy.